Do YOU Have What It Takes to Ride Every Ride at Walt Disney World or Disneyland in a Single Day?
Now you can try the world-famous Parkeology Challenge yourself! Here’s how:
Review the official Parkeology Challenge Rules.
Learn from the best in the Hall of Fame.
And be sure to watch our thrilling video of the first-ever completion to get inspired!
You’ve got your park-hopper ticket and picked a date. Now you just have to do it!
Remember to follow all of the official Parkeology Challenge Rules!
Stay hydrated out there on the course. The Parkeology Challenge is a marathon, not a sprint.
Did you actually ride every ride? Or did you miss by a mile? Either way, we still want to hear from you!
Submit the results of your run to have your accomplishment listed on our results page! Remember to follow the rules to the letter, so that we can verify your run.
If by some miracle you completed the challenge, welcome to the Hall of Fame!
Watch the video below to get a taste of what this challenge is like, under its original title of WDW46.
Official Rules | Submit Your Run | Hall of Fame | Past Results | History of the Parkeology Challenge